- Association for Reformatorical Philisophy
- General Dutch Association for Philosophy
- Society for Philosophy and Technology
- Redactielid van twee internationale jaarboekenseries's: Philosophy and Technology en Research in Philosophy and Technology.
International contacts
- Membership of the Editorial Board of Research in Phisolophy and Technology -- A Research Annual , Jai *Press.
- Membership of the Editorial Board of Philosophy and Technology, Reidel Dordrecht -- Offical Publication of the Society for Philosophy and Technology.
- Membership of the IAPCHE
- Doctorate: Doctor h.c. in Technical Sciences of the North-West University, South Africa, 1994.
- Templeton-award: On 24 June, 1995, the so-called Templeton-Award was received at the Centre for Theology and Natural Sciences in Berkeley. This Award was given for education and studies on religion, science and technology.
- Honorary Member: Since 1994 honorary member of the Civitas Studiosorum Reformatorum in Delft.
- Royal Award: Officer in the Order of Oranje Nassau, 2003.